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Words for the Music

Seek Ye First (Choral) Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Seek ye first the king- dom of God, and his right- eous- ness.
And all these things shall be add-ed un- to you. Al-le lu, al-le-lu-ia.
Ask and it shall be gi-ven un-to you, seek and ye ye shall find. Knock and it shall be o-pened up to you. Al- le- lu, al- le- lu- ia. Where two or three are gathered in my name. There am I in their midst. And what so ev-er ye ask I will do. Al-le-lu, al-le-lu-ia A-- - men.

Rejoice with Me! Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Re-joice with me! Do not mourn as I leave;
For the gates of Hea-ven have o-pened to-day for me.
Re-joice with me! Share the Thrill that I feel  At the Fa-ther's throne
where the face of the Lord now I do see.  Re-joice with me! All my suff-'ring is past.
I have come to rest in di-vine se-re-ni-ty.  Re-joice with me! For my soul could not know  
Grea-ter ec-sta-cy han to be with the Lord e-ter-nal-ly.  I see my Sa-vior; and he is smi-ling. His face is bright-er than noon day. I see my Je-sus. I love my Je-sus; and with my Je-sus I must stay. Re-joice with me! As I'm join-ing the throng of the saints sur-round-ing the hea-ven-ly Fa-ther's throne. Re-joice with me! For I'm sing-ing their song of the per-fect love and the joy of a peace now on-ly known. I see my Sav-ior; and He is smil-ing; and now I know that all is well. I see my Je-sus; and He is say-ing with-in my man-sions come and dwell. Al-le-lu-ia! Re-joice with me! Al-le-lu-ia! Re-joice with me!

Far From Me Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Mi-chelle, I miss you; why must you be so far from me to-night.
Mi-chelle, come to me; come lie with me a-gain as once we did.
Mi-chelle, Mi-chelle, Mi-chelle, Mi-chelle, Mi-chelle, I love you.
Far from me is my love to-night; Far from me and my tears.
Far from me is my heart to-night; Nights that may be years.
Why must it be that I love you so; Why can't I just for-get?
Why must it be that I miss you so; Why can't this hur-ting quit?
Why can't I have you by my side; Why can't I feel your touch?

Why can't I have you here with me; I miss you so much.  Mi-chelle, I love you; Love you more each day. Mi-chelle, I want you; Want you here to stay. Far from me though my love may be; I can still see her clear. Far from me though not far at all; Love can make her near. Love is the ans-wer to be-ing close; Love can make some-one near. All I need do is to close my eyes; And my love will ap-pear. Come to me, come and lie with me; Lie as once did we do. Come to me, come and kiss me now. Mi-chelle, I love you.

Mi-chelle, I love you; Love you more each day. Mi-chelle, I want you; Want you here to stay. Far from me though my love may be; I can still see her clear. Far from me though not far at all; Love can make her near. Love is the ans-wer to be-ing close; Love can make some-one near. All I need do is to close my eyes; And my love will ap-pear. Come to me, come and lie with me; Lie as once did we do. Come to me, come and kiss me now. Mi-chelle, I love you.

Dream, Dream Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Far from me though my love may be, I can still have her near.
Ev-'ry night I will dream. And my dreams will al-ways be of her.
Dream, Dream. Yes I will dream. I will dream of the one I a-dore.
Dream, Dream. God let me dream. Let me dream of my love ev-er-more.
Chil-dren dream of ted-dy bears, while their mo-ther's dream of what they'll wear.
As for me my dreams will be of her; on-ly her; ev'-ry-night; al-ways in my dreams.
Yes, I'll Dream, Dream. Dream all night long. Ill night long in my arms she will be.
Dream, Dream. Dream ev-er-more. Ev-er-more will she be close to me.
Does she love me? Does she want me? I'm not sure for I don't know.
Yes! She loves me! Yes! She wants me! And my dreams will prove it's so. So let me Dream, Dream. Yes, let me dream. Let me dream of my love ev-'ry night. Dream, Dream. God let me dream. In my dreams we a-gain will u-nite. Though my love can-not be here, in my dreams I'll have her e-ver near. So far me my long-ing will be gone, now that I know the way to be close to her. Yes, I'll Dream, Dream. Dream ev-'ry night. Ev-'ry night will a-gain hea-ven be. Dream, Dream. Yes, let me dream. In my dreams will e'er be with me. Does she love me? Does she want me? I'm not sure for I don't know. Yes! She loves me! Yes! She wants me! And my dreams will prove it's so. So let me Dream, Dream.  Yes, let me dream. Let me dream of my love ev-'ry night. Dream, Dream. God let me dream. In my dreams we a-gain will u-nite. Though my love can-not be here, in my dreams I'll have her e-ver near. So far me my long-ing will be gone, now that I know the way to be close to her. Yes, I'll Dream, Dream. Dream ev-'ry night. Ev-'ry night will a-gain hea-ven be. Dream, Dream. Yes, let me dream. In my dreams will she e-ver be with me. Dream. Yes, I will dream. Dream, Dream. Yes, I will dream. Dream, Dream. Yes, I will dream. Dream, Dream, Dream. I will Dream

In the Arms of Michelle (Choral) Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

It's a-no-ther night; and a-no-ther bar;
And it's time to play that game a-gain.
First, a sim-ple glance; then a drink or two;
Then a smile or kiss to let them know to-night.
Yes, to-night is their night,
to have hea-ven all night long;
heav-en in the arms; in the arms of Mi-chelle.
I will kiss them all and tease them with my charms;
Em-brace them in my arms, all the night.
In the morn-ing then, I'll send them on their way;
Though they all want to stay in the arms of Mi-chelle.
It's my life; it's the path I have cho-sen; It's the way I want to be;
Do not ask me to change for I will not;
I am quite con-tent with me.
1 will live each day as though it is my last,
And if it is my last, what the hell.
When I'm gone the men will simp-ly have to find;
a sub-sti-tute of kind for the arms of Mi-chelle.
They all think that I'm cold and un-lov-ing;
That my heart it must be made of stone.
Let them think what they like; it is bet-ter that the truth is ne-ver known.
There's a suck-er born each mi-nute of the day;
And if I had my way, there'd be more.
I will use them all to get what-e'er I want.
No mat-ter what the stunt in the arms of Mi-chelle.
What the hell do I care if I hurt them. Do they care when they hurt me.
They all know what the rules of the game are; still they play quite will-ing-ly.
I'm a stub-born gal who knows just what she wants;
Who's al-ways on the hunt for the man,
Who can give her things that spar-kle in a light;
A gift for just one night in the arms of Mi-chelle.
They all think that I'm cold and un-lov-ing;
That my heart it must be made of stone.
Let them think what they like; it is bet-ter that the truth is ne-ver know. There's asuck-er born each mi-nute of the day;
And if I had my way, there'd be more.
I will use them all to get what-e'er want.
No mat-ter what the stunt in the arms of Mi-chelle.
What the hell do I care if I hurt them. Do they care when they hurt me.
They all know what the rules of the game are; still they play quite will-ing-ly.
I'm a stub-born gal who knows just what she wants;
Who's al-ways on the hunt for the man,
Who can give her things that spar-kle in a light;
A gift for just one night in the arms of Mi-chelle.
Yes, it's a-no-ther night; and a-no-ther guy;
Who'll have hea-ven in the arms of Mi-chelle.

For I did Love Him  (Choral)  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Each and ev'-ry day was heav'n for me, For I did love him.
He was my day, he was my night, he was my life, For I did love him.
I ne-ver thought that he would go. I al-ways thought our love would grow
And like a flow'r would bloom some-day in-to e-ter-nal joy and bliss.
I ne-ver thought it'd end like this.

Love was not e-nough, I know that now For I did love him.
I tried my best to let him know each time we kissed That I did love him.
Then when he left, I thought I'd die; The hurt the pain; the ask-ing why;
The tears I shed a-lone in bed; It seemed my life had flown from me.
Why did this part-ing have to be. My love is gone from me to-day.
I want him back with me e'er to stay.

As I sit a-lone my eyes in tears For I still love him.
I pray to God he will re-turn, re-turn to me For I still love him.
Where did I err; What was my sin; I tried my best his love to win;
To make him see that life with me Could be e-ter-nal joy and bliss;
I ne-ver thought it'd end like this.
If he should re-turn no ques-tions asked For I still love him.

He'll be my day; he'll be my night; he'll be my life For I still love him.

Re-turn to me, I beg, I plead. Re-turn to me. It's you I need,
With-out you here, my life is spent. I can-not live with-out your love.
Why must I live with-out your love. My love is gone from me to-day;
I want him back with me e'er to stay.

Love Endures All (Choral)  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Help me Lord, for I can-not en-dure this pain. Help me Lord. Help me Lord. Help me Lord.

Love en-dures no mat-ter what the hurt; true love en-dures all pain. Help us Lord to un-der-stand this love; love that en-dures all things. Help us all to know this love, Lord; ev'-ry hour of ev'-ry day. Help us all to have true love; oh, help us Lord, we pray.
We'll en-dure no mat-ter what the hurt; true love en-dures all pain. We will come to un-der-stand this love, and learn to bear all things.
Why must it be this way? Why must he love a-no-ther? What have I done that's wrong, to make him turn to her? Have I not al-ways tried my best, my love to let him know? Then why must he do this? Oh, Lord, why must this be so? I do not un-der-stand. What must I do to please him? Why do I find my-self so close to los-ing him?

Love en-dures no mat-ter what the hurt; true love en-dures all pain. Help us Lord to un-der-stand this love; love that en-dures all things. Help us all to know this love, Lord; ev'-ry hour of ev'-ry day. Help us all to have true love; oh, help us Lord, we pray. We'll en-dure no mat-ter what the hurt; true love en-dures all pain. We will come to un-der-stand this love, and learn to bear all things.
Have I now lost my love? Will it be he will leave me? I must do some-thing fast, I can-not let that be. How can I make him change his mind? How can I make him see, that my love is true and my love, it will al-ways be? In this my time of trial, a-gain turn to thee Lord. Please help me Lord I pray. Do not de-sert me Lord.

Love en-dures no mat-ter what the hurt; true love en-dures all pain. Help me, Lord, to un-der-stand this love; love that en-dures all things. Help me now to know this love, Lord; ev'-ry hour of ev'-ry day.
Help me, Lord, to have true love; oh, help me, Lord, I pray.
I'll en-dure no mat-ter what the hurt; true love en-dures all pain.
I will come to un-der-stand this love, and learn to bear all things. Help me, Lord. Help me, Lord. Help me, Lord. Help me, Lord, I pray.

Mem'ries  (Choral)  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

I can see him now as he holds me in his arms.
Hap- py were the hours that I spent in those arms.
Mem'- ries such as these I could ne- ver re- place.
Mem- 'ries such as these are the rea- son that I love him.
Yes, I love him. And my mem'- ries.

His touch, his arms, the beat of his heart
When we kiss and swear that ne- ver we'll part,
These are mem' ries, sweet mem'- ries of my love, of Mi- chael;
His eyes, his lips, the sound of his voice
When he speaks of love and my heart's re- joice,

These are mem'- ries, sweet mem'- ries of Mi- chael, my love, and my life.
Will it now be that he will go a way and leave me with my mem- o- ries.
Has he found some one new to share his life and mem'- ries of love yet to be.

His walk, his talk, the sounds of his sleep
When he toss and turns in slum- ber so deep,
These are mem- 'ries, sweet mem'- ries of my love, of Mi- chael;
His smile, his frown the warmth of his hold
When I'm in his arms his touch e-ver bold,
These are mem'- ries, sweet mem'- ries of Mi- chael, my love and my life.
For me now to re- sign to lose this love and end my years of mem- o- ries.
I can not let it be, I'll fight you'll see
to win the right to have mem'- ries yet to be.

His touch, his arms, the beat of his heart.
I will have a-gain for ne-ver we'll part,
I'll have mem'-ries, sweet mem'- ries of my love, of Mi- chael;
His eyes, his lips, the sound of his voice
Will re-sound a-gain to my heart's re-joice.
I'll have mem'-ries, sweet mem'-ries of Mi-chael, my love and my life.

I can-not let him go. That much I know.
My life would end should he leave.
I must find yet a way to make him stay
and keep all my sweet mem-o-ries.
I'll fight, I'll fight, by God will I fight
For to not would mean that I have no right
To these mem'-ries, sweet mem'-ries of my love, of Mi-chael.

I'll win, I'll win, by God will I win
In the end I'll win no mat-ter my sin
For these mem'-ries, my mem'-ries of Mi-chael for now and for life.
For me now to re- sign to lose this love and end my years of mem- o- ries.
I can not let it be, I'll fight you'll see
to win the right to have mem'- ries yet to be.

His touch, his arms, the beat of his heart.
I will have a-gain for ne-ver we'll part,
I'll have mem'-ries, sweet mem'- ries of my love, of Mi- chael;
His eyes, his lips, the sound of his voice
Will re-sound a-gain to my heart's re-joice.
I'll have mem'-ries, sweet mem'-ries of Mi-chael, my love and my life.

I can-not let him go. That much I know.
My life would end should he leave.
I must find yet a way to make him stay
and keep all my sweet mem-o-ries.
I'll fight, I'll fight, by God will I fight
For to not would mean that I have no right
To these mem'-ries, sweet mem'-ries of my love, of Mi-chael.

I'll win, I'll win, by God will I win
In the end I'll win no mat-ter my sin
For these mem'-ries, my mem'-ries of Mi-chael for now and for life.

Mi-chael, I love you.

I am What I am (Choral) Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Why must it be this way; why can't I be like other men.
No that's not what I want. I care not to be like oth-er men. I must be me no mat-ter what the hurt.
No mat-ter what, I must be me;
For if not me then who would I be?

I am what I am; I can-not be what I'm not;
For you to ask me to be dif'-rent, please don't for I can-not.

I am what I am. And what I am I ap-prove.
I real-ly don't want to be dif'-rent; don't ask me to.

I will not live a lie; pre-tend-ing things that I am not.
O-thers can live their lies; but I know I sim-ply can not.

I am what I am; and I am proud to be me;
I would not change one sin-gle fea-ture, of this the man you see.
 I am what I am; and to my-self must be true.
 real-ly care not to be dif'-rent; don't ask me to.

I'm a-ware at times I do hurt you. Please for-give me love when-e'er I do.
It is not my wish e'er to hurt you. On-ly to my-self e-ver be true.

Love me as I am; or you should love some-one new.
It is the way that it must be dear; though hard, it still is true.
 Love me as I am; and if your love it is true.
You will not want me to be dif'-rent; nor ask me to.

It would be nice to say, that I would change may-be some day.
But I will not, I know; And will not feign it to be so.

Take me as I am; and I'll not ask more of you.
We will for-e-ver live as one, dear; while still re-main-ing two.
I am what I am; and what I am I ap-prove.
I real-ly don't want to be dif'-rent; don't ask me to.

You are right at times you do hurt me. I for-give you love each time you do.
 It is not your wish e'er to hurt me. On-ly to your-self e-ver be true.

Love me as I am; or you should love some-one new.
It is the way that it must be dear; though hard, it still is true.
 Love me as I am; and if your love it is true.
You will not want me to be dif'-rent; nor ask me to.

It would be nice to say, that I would change may-be some day.
But I will not, I know; And will not feign it to be so.

Take me as I am; and I'll not ask more of you.
We will for-e-ver live as one, dear; while still re-main-ing two.
I am what I am; and what I am I ap-prove.
I real-ly don't want to be dif'-rent; don't ask me to.

And that I do. I want no one new.
I un-der-stand; though hard it still is true.
And that I do. My love it is true.
I want it not; nor will I ask you to.
That I have done. Nor will I of you.
So be it dear, while still re-main-ing two.
You are what you are. And I too ap-prove.
and nor do I and I'll not ask you to. 
I must be me! 

Thee My Love (Choral)  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Jan, I love you; tru-ly love you, no mat-ter how it seems I still love you. Please be pa-tient with me dar-ling. Be pa-tient with me love for I love you. Jan, I'm sor-ry; tru-ly sor-ry; what more can I say then I'm sor-ry that I hurt you; God knows I did-n't want to hurt you. Be pa-tient with me love for I swear that I do love you. Thee my love; on-ly thee my love. My love is true. Thee my love; on-ly thee my love; tru-ly I love you.  Thee my love; on-ly thee my love. My love is true. Thee my love; on-ly thee my love; tru-ly I love you. Though the world re-jects the love we have, I still love you, I do. God will be our judge and un-til then I will love you, I will.  Thee my love; on-ly thee my love. My love is true. Thee my love; on-ly thee my love; tru-ly I love you. Tru-ly, I love you. Mike, I love you; tru-ly love you; no mat-ter what you've done I still love you. I'll be pa-tient with you dar-ling; be pa-tient with you love for I love you. Mike, you've hurt me; tru-ly hurt me;  why must you love a-no-ther and hurt me. I'll be pa-tient with you dar-ling; Be pa-tient with you love for I swear that I do love you Thee my love; on-ly thee my love. My love is true. Thee my love; on-ly thee my love; tru-ly I love you.  Thee my love; on-ly thee my love. My love is true. Thee my love; on-ly thee my love; tru-ly I love you. Though I must re-ject this love you have, still I love you, I do. God will be your judge and un-til then, I will love you, I will. Thee my love; on-ly thee my love. My love is true. Thee my love; on-ly thee my love; tru-ly I love you. Tru-ly, I love you.

It is Over (Choral)  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Sweet-heart, why must you force me, to write this let-ter. I don't want to write it. Why must you force me? It on-ly will hurt you. I don't want to hurt you. Why must you force me; force me to hurt you. Please re-lease me dar-ling from your heart. Let me go, let me go, let me go, from your heart. It is o-ver, let me go. It is o-ver, let me go. This can-not con-tin-ue we must part. Let me go, let me go, let me go, we must part. It is o-ver, let me go. It is o-ver, let me go. Why can't you see the hope-less-ness of try-ing to hold on to me? Why can't you sim-ply re-a-lize this love that you want can-not be, should not be, will not be. Please re-lease me dar-ling I in-sist. Let me go; let me go; let me go; I in-sist. It is o-ver, let me go. It is o-ver, let me go. Hurt is all you'll get if you per-sist. Let me go; let me go; let me go; don't per-sist. It is o-ver, let me go. It is o-ver, let me go. I have known such a love as this; Known the joy of his kiss. Then the pain when he said good-bye. Did I cry? I did cry. Now this pain I pass a-long to you. Let me go; let me go; take my pain let me go. It is o-ver, let me go. It is o-ver, let me go. It is not what I would like to do, But I do what I do both for me, and for you. It is o-ver, let me go. It is o-ver let me go. You have some-one who want's your love. To her give it all, none to me. I don't know how to be more clear. This love that you want can-not be, should not be, will not be. You did ask if it was love that night. Yes, it was. Yes, it was. It was love. All that night. But now it's o-ver, let me go. It is o-ver, let me go. Now that love is gone as is that night. It is gone. It is gone. Real-ly gone. Tru-ly gone. It is o-ver, you are gone. It is o-ver, I am gone. It is o-ver

Far from me (Reprise)  (Choral)  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Mi-chael, I miss you; why must it be this hurt I have, my love. Mi-chael, I want you; re turn to me for I must have your love. Mi-chael, Mi-chael, Mi-chael, Mi-chael, Mi-chael, I love you.  Far from me is my love to-night; Far from me and my tears.

Far from me is my heart to-night; Nights that may be years.
Why must it be that I love him so; Why can't I just for-get?
Why must it be that I miss him so; Why can't this hur-ting quit?
Why can't I have him by my side; Why can't I feel his touch?
Why can't I have him back with me; I'll miss him so much.
Mi-chael, I love you; Love you more each day.
Mi-chael, I miss you; Please come back to stay.

Far from me though my love may be; I can still see him clear.
Far from me though not far at all; Love can make him near.
Love is the ans-wer to be-ing close; Love can make some-one near.
All I need do is to close my eyes; And my love will ap-pear.
Come to me, come and lie with me; Lie as oft did we do.
Come to me, come and kiss me now. Mi-chael, I love you.
Mi-chael, I love you; Love you more each day.
Mi-chael, I miss you; Please come back to stay.

Far from me though my love may be; I can still see him clear.
Far from me though not far at all; Love can make him near.
Love is the ans-wer to be-ing close; Love can make some-one near.
All I need do is to close my eyes; And my love will ap-pear.
Come to me, come and lie with me; Lie as oft did we do.
Come to me, come and kiss me now. Mi-chael, I love you.

Christ has Died (Choral)  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-i-a, Christ has died, Christ is ris'n Christ will come a-gain. Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-i-a, Christ has died, Christ is ris'n Christ will come a-gain. Je-sus cru-ci-fied for my sins, Yeh, my sa-vi-or and my king; Ne-ver could we be wor-thy Lord, of this sa-cri-fice now we sing.

Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-i-a, Christ has died, Christ is ris'n Christ will come a-gain. Ris-en sa-vi-our from the grave, Our Re-demp-tion is now se-cured; Ne-ver, ne-ver let us for-get; our sal-va-tion is now as-sured.

Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-i-a, Christ has died, Christ is ris'n Christ will come a-gain; Your re-turn we a-wait each day; come and take us all home with you; Ne-ver more from your side to stray; E-ver, e-ver your will to do. Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-i-a, Christ has died, Christ is ris'n Christ will come a-gain

Psalm 130  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Out of the depths have I cried un-to thee. Lord hear my voice.
Let thine ear be at-ten-tive to the voice of my sup-pli-ca-tion.
If Thou Lord should-est mark in-i-qui-ties, who shall stand oh Lord? But there is for-give-ness with thee that thou may-est be feared.
I wait for the Lord my soul doth wait and in his word do I hope. My soul waith-eth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morn-ing.
Let Is-ra-el hope in the Lord. For with the Lord there is mer-cy
and with him is plen-te-ous re-demp-tion and he shall re-deem Is-ra-el from all their sins
and with him is plen-te-ous re-dempt-tion and he shall re-deem Is-ra-el from all the sins of Is-ra-el.

Little Jesus, Infant King  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Lit-tle Je-sus, in-fant king. Gen-tle child yet sav-iour of all. Ly-ing in a man-ger crib, In a hay filled stall. Sleep my lit-tle in-fant king, Ho-ly one so ten-der and mild Born to save us all from sin Is this in-fant child An-gels from the realms of glo-ry came to sing his praise. Shep-herds from the fields a-bid-ing, fell down wor-ship-ing. Kings a-far, a star did lead un-to the Christ child’s man-ger And now we too must come to wor-ship, Christ, the in-fant king   Un-to us a child is born, Un-to us is gi-ven a son. Un-to us in Beth-le-hem. lies the ho-ly one. Glo-ry be to God on high Glo-ry be to our in-fant king Peace on earth, good will to men; Heav'n and earth now sing.

Canticle of Mary ("Pentatonic")  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

My soul pro-claims the great-ness of the Lord, my spi-rit re-joi-ces in God my Sa-vior, for he has looked with fa-vor on his low-ly ser-vant. From this day all ge-ne-ra-tions will call me bles-sed: the Al-migh-ty has done great things for me, and ho-ly is his Name. He has mer-cy on those who fear him in e-v'ry ge-ne-ra-tion.   He has shown the strength of his arm, he has scat-tered the proud in their con-ceit. He has cast down the migh-ty from their thrones, and has lif-ted up the low-ly. He has filled the hun-gry with good things, and the rich he has sent a-way em-pty.   He has come to the help of his ser-vant Is-ra-el for he has re-mem-bered his pro-mise of mer-cy,  the pro-mise he made to our fa-thers, to A-bra-ham and his chil-dren for e-ver. Glo-ry to the Fa-ther and to the Son, and to the Ho-ly Spi-rit: as it was in the be-gin-ning, is now, and will be for-e-ver. A-men, a-men, a-men.

Canticle of Mary Trio in D Minor Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

My soul pro-claims the great-ness of the Lord, my spi-rit re-joi-ces in God my Sa-vior, for he has looked with fa-vor on his low-ly ser-vant. From this day all ge-ne-ra-tions will call me bles-sed: the Al-migh-ty has done great things for me, and ho-ly is his Name. He has mer-cy on those who fear him in e-v'ry ge-ne-ra-tion. He has shown the strength of his arm, he has scat-tered the proud in their con-ceit. He has cast down the migh-ty from their thrones, and has lif-ted up the low-ly. He has filled the hun-gry with good things, and the rich he has sent a-way em-pty. He has come to the help of his ser-vant Is-ra-el for he has re-mem-bered his pro-mise of mer-cy, the pro-mise he made to our fa-thers, to A-bra-ham and his chil-dren for e-ver. Glo-ry to the Fa-ther and to the Son, and to the Ho-ly Spi-rit: as it was in the be-gin-ning, is now, and will be for-e-ver. A-men.

Canticle of Mary "Fauxbourdon"  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

My soul pro-claims the great-ness of the Lord, my spi-rit re-joi-ces in God my Sa-vior, for he has looked with fa-vor on his low-ly ser-vant. From this day all ge-ne-ra-tions will call me bles-sed: the Al-migh-ty has done great things for me, and ho-ly is his Name. He has mer-cy on those who fear him in e-v'ry ge-ne-ra-tion. He has shown the strength of his arm, he has scat-tered the proud in their con-ceit. He has cast down the migh-ty from their thrones, and has lif-ted up the low-ly. He has filled the hun-gry with good things, and the rich he has sent a-way em-pty. He has come to the help of his ser-vant Is-ra-el for he has re-mem-bered his pro-mise of mer-cy, the pro-mise he made to our fa-thers, to A-bra-ham and his chil-dren for e-ver. Glo-ry to the Fa-ther and to the Son, and to the Ho-ly Spi-rit: as it was in the be-gin-ning, is now, and will be for-e-ver. A-men.

Break Forth Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

Break forth, O beau-teous heav'n-ly light and ush-er in the morn-ing. Ye shep-herds shrink not with af-fright, but hear the an-gel's warn-ning. This lit- tle child, whom you shall see, our con- fi-dence and joy shall be, the pow'rs of hell o'er- throw-ing, at last our peace be-stow-ing.  

Four Variations on "Old Hundredth" Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

All peo-ple that on earth do dwell, sing to the Lord, sing to the Lord with cheer-ful voice: him serve with mirth, his praise forth tell, come ye be-fore him and re-joice, and re-joice. Know that the Lord is God in-deed; with-out our aid he did us make:  we are his folk, he doth us feed, and for his his sheep he doth us take. with so to shall age forth. O en-ter then his gates with praise, ap-proach with joy his courts un-to; praise, laud, and bless his al-ways, for it is seem-ly so to do, so to

do, for it is seem-ly so to do. for why? the Lord our God is good, his mer-cy is for-e-ver sure; his truth at all times firm-ly stood, firm-ly stood, and shall from age to age en-dure, from age to age en-dure.    

"Creation" for Baritone or Tenor solo and SATB Choir Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

God stepped out on space and looked all a-round. God said, "I'll make me a world to live in. God brought his hand down and with it he gave light. The world was all a-glow. The world was all a -glow. The world was all a -glow. God roled the light in-to a sphere and threw it up - word. God be-stowed our ri-sing sun. God be-stowed our sun. It was no lon-ger as black as a hun-dred mid-nights down in a cy-press swamp. God has made all things, and this is cal-led cre-a-tion. Thanks be to God. From the light left from the sun God made the moon and the stars to twin-kle at night. The moon was on his left hand; the stars a-bout his head. Un-der his feet sur-roun-ded by clouds. Un-der his feet was the earth. The earth was hot so God stepped o-ver the edge and spat out the se-ven seas. He bat-ted his eyes and the light-ning flashed. He clapped his hands and the thun-der roared. Wa-ter came down and cooled the earth. Then God scooped up clay and the re-sult was man. God has made all things and this is called cre-a-tion. Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-ia. God has made all things. Al-le-lu-ia. Thanks be to God. Al-le-lu-ia

Nada te Turbe for SATB Choir (in Spanish) Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

Na-da te tur-be, na-da tees-pan-te, to-do se pa-sa; Dios no se mu-da. La pa-ci-en-cia to-do loal-can-za; Quien a Dios tie-ne, na-da le fal-ta; So-lo Dios ba-sta, so-lo Dios ba-sta.

Canticle of Mary "American" Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

My soul pro-claims the great-ness of the Lord, my spi-rit re-joi-ces in God my Sa-vior, for he has looked with fa-vor on his low-ly ser-vant. From this day all ge-ne-ra-tions will call me bles-sed: t he Al-migh-ty has done great things for me, and ho-ly is his Name. He has mer-cy on those who fear him in e-v'ry ge-ne-ra-tion. He has shown the strength of his arm, he has scat-tered the proud in their con-ceit. He has cast down the migh-ty from their thrones, and has lif-ted up the low-ly. He has filled the hun-gry with good things, and the rich he has sent a-way em-pty. He has come to the help of his ser-vant Is-rael for he has re-mem-bered his pro-mise of mer-cy, the pro-mise he made to our fa-thers, to A-bra-ham and his chil-dren for e-ver. Glo-ry to the Fa-ther and to the Son, and to the Ho-ly Spi-rit: as it was in the be-gin-ning, is now, and will be for-e-ver. A-men, a-men, a-men.

Magnificat "Thirds" Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

My soul pro-claims the great-ness of the Lord, my spi-rit re-joi-ces in God my Sa-vior, for he has looked with fa-vor on his low-ly ser-vant. From this day all ge-ne-ra-tions will call me bles-sed: the Al-migh-ty has done great things for me, and ho-ly is his Name. He has mer-cy on those who fear him in e-v'ry ge-ne-ra-tion.

He has shown the strength of his arm, he has scat-tered the proud in their con-ceit. He has cast down the migh-ty from their thrones, and has lif-ted up the low-ly. He has filled the hun-gry with good things, and the rich he has sent a-way em-pty. He has come to the help of his ser-vant Is-rael for he has re-mem-bered his pro-mise of mer-cy, t he pro-mise he made to our fa-thers, to A-bra-ham and his chil-dren for e-ver. Glo-ry to the Fa-ther and to the Son, and to the Ho-ly Spi-rit: as it was in the be-gin-ning, is now, and will be for-e-ver. A-men, a-men, a-men.

Let us give Thanks Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition   Back

Let us all give thanks this thanks-giv-ing day, for all bless-ings which came our way. For our fam’-lies, for our friends e-ver dear. May they al-ways be for-e-ver near. As we ga-ther to cel-e-brate, with those we hold so dear. Let us give thanks Let us give thanks Let us give thanks Let us give thanks to God for friends so near. Let us give thanks, for our na-tion may she reign e-ver free, May our flag shine forth li-ber-ty. May we al-ways lead in peace, ne-ver war. May our flag bring com-fort near and far As we ga-ther to cel-e-brate, yet hear the guns so near Let us give thanks Let us give thanks Let us give thanks Let us give thanks Let us give thanks for peace through- out the year. Let us give thanks for our church-es, may they al- ways com-mit to the words of Christ e-ver true May they ne-ver lead in hate, but in love, May their ban-ner be the ho-ly dove As we ga-ther to cel-e-brate to all our love to show. Let us give thanks Let us give thanks Let us give thanks to God from whom all bless-ings flow. Now thank we all our God. Now thank we all our God. Let us give thanks.

Let us give Thanks ( for 2 Part Mixed Choir, Organ and Piano) Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition   Back

Let us all give thanks this thanks-giv-ing day, for all bless-ings which came our way. For our fam’-lies, for our friends e-ver dear. May they al-ways be for-e-ver near. As we ga-ther to cel-e-brate, with those we hold so dear. Let us give thanks Let us give thanks Let us give thanks Let us give thanks to God for friends so near. Let us give thanks, for our na-tion may she reign e-ver free, May our flag shine forth li-ber-ty. May we al-ways lead in peace, ne-ver war. May our flag bring com-fort near and far As we ga-ther to cel-e-brate, yet hear the guns so near Let us give thanks Let us give thanks Let us give thanks Let us give thanks Let us give thanks for peace through- out the year. Let us give thanks for our church-es, may they al- ways com-mit to the words of Christ e-ver true May they ne-ver lead in hate, but in love, May their ban-ner be the ho-ly dove As we ga-ther to cel-e-brate to all our love to show. Let us give thanks Let us give thanks Let us give thanks to God from whom all bless-ings flow. Now thank we all our God. Now thank we all our God. Let us give thanks.

Let us give Thanks (for Soprano, Baritone, Organ and Piano) Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition   Back

Let us all give thanks this thanks-giv-ing day, for all bless-ings which came our way. For our fam’-lies, for our friends e-ver dear. May they al-ways be for-e-ver near. As we ga-ther to cel-e-brate, with those we hold so dear. Let us give thanks Let us give thanks Let us give thanks Let us give thanks to God for friends so near. Let us give thanks, for our na-tion may she reign e-ver free, May our flag shine forth li-ber-ty. May we al-ways lead in peace, ne-ver war. May our flag bring com-fort near and far As we ga-ther to cel-e-brate, yet hear the guns so near Let us give thanks Let us give thanks Let us give thanks Let us give thanks Let us give thanks for peace through- out the year. Let us give thanks for our church-es, may they al- ways com-mit to the words of Christ e-ver true May they ne-ver lead in hate, but in love, May their ban-ner be the ho-ly dove As we ga-ther to cel-e-brate to all our love to show. Let us give thanks Let us give thanks Let us give thanks to God from whom all bless-ings flow. Now thank we all our God. Now thank we all our God. Let us give thanks.

Canticle of Mary C Major Duet in 3/4 Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

My soul pro-claims the great-ness of the Lord, my spi-rit re-joi-ces in God my Sa-vior, in God my Sa-vior. For he has looked with favor on his low-ly ser-vant. From this day all generations will call me bles-sed. The Al-migh-ty has done great things for me, and ho-ly is his Name. He has mercy on those who fear him in every ge-ne-ra-tion. He has shown the strength of his arm, he has scat-tered the proud in their con-ceit. He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the low-ly. He has filled the hun-gry with good things, and the rich he has sent a-way em-pty, and the rich he has sent a-way em-pty. He has come to the help of his servant Is-ra-el, for he has remembered his pro-mise of mer-cy. The pro-mise he made to our fa-thers, to A-bra-ham and his chil-dren for e-ver, for e-ver. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Ho-ly Spi-rit: As it was in the be-gin-ning, is now, and will be for-e-ver, will be for-e-ver. A-men, a-men, a-men, a-men.

Magnificat a 4 SATB acappella Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

Hail, Ma-ry, full of grace, the Lord is with you, bles-sed are you a-mong wo-men, and bles-sed is the fruit of your womb. My soul pro-claims the great-ness of the Lord, my spi-rit re-joi-ces in God my Sa-vior, for he has looked with fa-vor on his low-ly ser-vant. From this day all ge-ne-ra-tions will call me bles-sed: the Al-migh-ty has done great things for me, and ho-ly is his Name. He has mer-cy on those who fear him in e-v'ry ge-ne-ra-tion. He has shown the strength of his arm, he has scat-tered the proud in their con-ceit. He has cast down the migh-ty from their thrones, and has lif-ted up the low-ly. He has filled the hun-gry with good things, and the rich he has sent a-way em-pty. He has come to the help of his ser-vant Is-ra-el for he has re-mem-bered his pro-mise of mer-cy, the pro-mise he made to our fa-thers, to A-bra-ham and his chil-dren for e-ver. Glo-ry to the Fa-ther and to the Son, and to the Ho-ly Spi-rit: as it was in the be-gin-ning, is now, and will be for-e-ver. A-men.

 The Horseman Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

One night in a dream I did es-py a horse-man wild-ly rid-ing by I hailed the horse-man to a halt and asked of him what was at fault that he should ride thus wild-ly by.  I seek a land where ho-nor still does live and reign in hearts of men.  I’ve crossed o’er ma-ny a rag-ged hill, and to ma-ny strange lands have been. But for the land of ho-nor’s reign,my search has al-way been in vain I seek a land where ho-nor still does live and reign in hearts of men And then he gave a wea-ry sigh, to which I made this re-ply. Ride bold-ly on, ride straight and fast. For-get the fail-ures of the past. Your quest does near its end at last. Things are not as hope-less as they seem. Now that you jour-ney, but in a dream.

Come, Holy Spirit SATTBB Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

Come, Ho-ly Spi-rit, come, our souls in-spire, and light-en with ce-les-tial fire. Thou the a-noint-ing Spi-rit art, who dost thy sev'n-fold gifts im-part. Thy bles-sed unc-tion from a-bove is com-fort, life, and fire of love. En-a-ble with per-pet-ual light the dull-ness of our blind-ed sight. Keep far our foes, give peace at home: where thou art guide, no ill can come. Teach us to know the Fa-ther, Son, and thee, of both, to be but One. A-men.

HYMN: The Snow Lay on the Ground Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

The snow lay on the ground, the stars shone bright, When Christ our Lord was born on Christ-mas night. 'Twas gen-tle Ma-ry maid, so young and strong, Who wel-comed here the Christ-child with a song. She laid Him in a stall in Beth-le-hem; The ass and ox-en shared the roof with them. Ve-ni-te a-do-re-mus Do-mi-num. Ve-ni-te a-do-re-mus Do-mi-num. Saint Jo-seph too was by to tend the Child, To guard him, and pro-tect His mo-ther mild. The an-gels hov-ered round and sang this song: Ve-ni-te a-do-re-mus Do-mi-num. And thus that man-ger poor be-came a throne; For He whom Ma-ry bore was God the son. Ve-ni-te a-do-re-mus Do-mi-num. Ve-ni-te a-do-re-mus Do-mi-num.  or (O come let us a-dore Him, Christ the Lord O come let us a-dore Him, Christ the Lord)

HYMN: Ring the Bells and Sound the trumpet Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Rings the bells and sound the trum-pet for the Lord is born to-day. In a man-ger meek and low-ly did his head the vir-gin lay. Shep-herds in the fields a-bid-ing,   came to see this won-der great. Rings the bells and sound the trum-pet for the Lord is born to-day. Al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia, all now sing al-le-lu-ia, f from the moun-tains, from the val-leys, sing a-loud al-le-lu-ia. Come ye peo-ple come and wor-ship, wor-ship Him who came to save. Al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia, all now sing al-le-lu-ia.

Easter Acclamation Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

This is the day that the Lord has made, al-le-lu-ia This is the day that the Lord has made, al-le-lu-ia This is the day that the Lord him-self has made Let us all re-joice and be for-ev-er glad in he who rose to-day. This is the day that the Lord him-self has made

Let us all give thanks un-to the Lord whose mer-cy lasts for e-ver al-le-lu-ia.This is the day that the Lord has made, This is the day that the Lord has made, This is the day that the Lord has made,  

This is the day that the Lord him-self has made Let us all re-joice for he is good; his good-ness lasts for ev-er-more. This is the day that the Lord him-self has made Let us all re-joice and be for ev-er glad in him who rose to save us all al-le-lu-ia.

Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord, Psalm 100 Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Make a joy-ful noise un-to the Lord, all ye lands, all ye lands, all ye lands, Make a joy-ful noise un-to the Lord, all ye lands, all ye lands, all ye lands, Serve the Lord with glad-ness, glad-ness Serve the Lord with glad-ness, glad-ness Come be-fore his pre-sence with sing-ing. Know ye all, know ye all, that the Lord, that the Lord He is God, He is God, He is God, He is God, For the Lord our God he is our God, Know ye that the Lord he is our God For the Lord is God, For the Lord is God, For the Lord is God, For the Lord is God, Know ye that the Lord he is our God He is God, He is God, He is God, He is God It is he that hath made us and not we our-selves It is he that hath made us and not we our-selves We are his peo-ple and the sheep of his pas-tures We are his peo-ple and the sheep of his pas-tures. It is he that hath made us and not we our-selves It is he that hath made us and not we our-selves  We are his peo-ple and the sheep of his pas-tures We are his peo-ple and the sheep of his pas-tures En-ter in-to his gates with thanks - giv-ing with thanks - giv-ing And un-to his courts with praise Be thank-ful un-to Him, Be thank-ful un-to Him And bless His name, be thank-ful and bless his name For the Lord is good, For the Lord is good, His mer-cy is ev-er last-ing, His mer-cy is ev-er last-ing And His truth en-du-reth to all gen-er-a-tions.

At the Cross Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

At the cross her sta-tion keep-ing, stood the mourn-ful mo-ther weep-ing close to Je-sus to the last, close to Je-sus to the last. In her heart his sor-rows sha-ring, all his bit-ter an-guish bear-ing, now at length the sword has passed, now at length the sword has passed. Oh, how sad and sore dis-tressed, was that mo-ther high-ly blest of the sole be-got-ten One!

Yahweh Called Me Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Yah-weh called me Be-fore I was born. From my mo-ther's womb he pro-nounced my name   At that fa-v'ra-ble time I will an-swer You On the day of sal-va-tion. I will help you. I have formed you and I have ap-point-ed you as co-ve-nant of the peo-ple Shout for joy you hea-vens ex-ult you earth You moun-tains break in-to hap-py cries. For Yah- weh con-soles his peo-ple and takes pi-ty on those who are af-flic-ted.

Introit based on Psalm 2: 1, 7 for organ, SATB choir and Soprano or Tenor Soloist Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

The Lord said to me. You are my son. This day I have be-got-ten you. Why do the na-tions rage? And the poe-ple ut-ter fol-ly? The na-tions rage; Why do the na-tions rage, And the poe-ple ut-ter fol-ly? Glo-ry be to the Fa-ther, and to the Son, and to the Ho-ly Spir-it, As it was in the be-gin-ning is now and e-ver shall be. World with-out end A-men.

Kyrie (Lord, have mercy) for organ and SATB choir (Ode to Joy) Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Lord, have mer-cy
Lord, have mer-cy
Christ, have mer-cy
Christ, have mer-cy
Lord, have mer-cy
Lord, have mer-cy

Gloria (Glory to God in the highest) for organ and SATB choir (Tollite Hostias) Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Glo-ry to God in the high-est and peace to his peo-ple on earth. Lord God Heav'n-ly king, al-mgh-ty God and Fa-ther, we wor-ship you; we give you thanks; we praise you for your glo-ry. Lord Je-sus Christ, on-ly son of the Fa-ther, Lord God, Lamb of God. You take a-way the sins of the world, have mer-cy, have mer-cy, have mer-cy on us. You are seat-ed at the right hand of the Fa-ther, re-ceive, re-ceive, re-ceive, re-ceive, re-ceive our prayer. For you a-lone, for you a-lone, for you a-lone, for you a-lone, for you a-lone are the ho-ly one; you a-lone are the Lord; you a-lone are the most high Je-sus Christ. With the ho-ly spi-rit in the glo-ry of God the Fa-ther; A-men A-men A-A-men

Scriptural Response based on Ps96: 1-2, 2-3, 11-12, 13 for orgn, SATB choir in unis, Sop or Ten. Soloist Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

REFRAIN To-day is born our Sav-iour, Christ the Lord. or Our Sav-iour Chirst the Lord is born un-to us.
VERSE 1 O sing to the Lord a new song O sing to the Lord O sing a new song O sing to the Lord O sing to the Lord all ye lands O sing to the Lord a new song O sing to the Lord O sing to the Lord and bless his name.  
VERSE 2 Ev'-ry day, Ev'-ry day an-nounce ev'-ry day his sal-va-tion Tell his glo-ry a-mong the na-tions Pro-claim, pro-claim to all the peo-ples pro-claim, pro-claim his mer-cy and his won-drous deeds.
VERSE 3 Let the hea-vens; the hea-vens; Let the hea-vens and earth re-joice Let the sea re-joice and what fills it re-joice. Let the plains cry out with joy Let the plains cry out and the trees ex-alt, the trees of the for-est.
VERSE 4 They shall ex-alt They shall ex-alt; They shall ex-alt be-fore the Lord For he comes to rule; he comes to rule the earth. He shall rule the world with jus-tice; He shall rule the world and the peop-ple with his con-stan-cy.


Scriptural Response based on Ps98:1, 2-3, 3-4 ,5-6 for orgn. SATB choir in unis. & Sop. or Ten. Soloist  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

REFRAIN All the ends of the earth have seen the sav-ing po-wer of God  or All the ends of the earth have seen the vic-to-ry of our God
VERSE 1 O sing to the Lord O sing a new song For he has done for he has done won-drous deeds. His right hand has won vic-to-ry for him His right hand has won vic-to-ry for him his hol-ly arm.  
VERSE 2 The Lord has made his sal-va-tion known; The Lord has made his sal-va-tion known; in the sight of the na-tions he has re-vealed his jus-tice. He has re-mem-bered his kind-ness and his faith-ful-ness to-ward the house of Is-ra-el.
VERSE 3 All the ends of the earth; All the ends of the earth have seen the sal-va-tion by our God. Sing joy-ful-ly, Sing joy-ful-ly to the Lord. Sing joy-ful-ly, Sing joy-ful-ly, Sing joy-ful-ly. All you lands break forth in-to song; sing praise.
VERSE 4 Sing praise to the Lord; Sing praise; Sing praise to the Lord with the harp; with the harp; with the harp and me-lo-di-ous song. With trum-pets and the sound of the horn. Sing joy-ful-ly, Sing joy-ful-ly be-fore the King, the Lord.

Alleluia and Verses for organ and SATB choir (Mendelssohn) Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Verse for Christmas Eve/ Midnight Mass

Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-ia, Christ is born, Al-le-lu-ia Good news and great joy to all the world. This day is born our Sav-iour Christ the Lord

 Verse for Christmas Day at Dawn Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-ia, Christ is born, Al-le-lu-ia Glo-ry to God in hea-ven. Peace and grace to his peo-ple on earth Verse for Christmas Day during the Day Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-ia, Christ is born, Al-le-lu-ia A ho-ly day has dawned up-on us. Come you na-tions and a-dore the Lord. To-day a great light has come up-on, up-on the earth.

Sanctus for organ and SATB choir (Gloria) Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Ho-ly, Ho-ly, Ho-ly Lord God of Po-wer and of might. Hea-ven and earth are full of your glo-ry. Ho-san-na in the high-est. . Bles-sed is he who comes in the name of the Lord

Memorial Acclamation (Christ has Died) Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Ho-ly, Ho-ly, Ho-ly Lord God of Po-wer and of might. Hea-ven and earth are full of your glo-ry. Ho-san-na in the high-est. Bles-sed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Lamb of God (A Virgin Unspotted) Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Lamb of God, you take a-way the sins of the world, have mer-cy, have mer-cy, have mer-cy on us. Lamb of God, you take a-way the sins of the world, have mer-cy, have mer-cy, have mer-cy on us. Lamb of God, you take a-way the sins of the world, grant us, grant us, grant us peace.

Waltzing Matilda for TTBB a capella Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

INTRO Waltz-ing Ma-til-da, Waltz-ing Ma-til-da, You'll come a-waltz-ing Ma-til-da with me, come a-waltz-ing. CHORUS Waltz-ing Ma-til-da, Waltz-ing Ma-til-da, You'll come a-waltz-ing Ma-til-da with me. And he sang as he sat and he wait-ed by the bil-la-bong. You'll come a-waltz-ing Ma-til-da with me. Oh! VERSE 2 Once a jol-ly swag-man sat be-side the bil-la-bong, un-der the shade of a cou-li-bah tree; and he sang as he sat and he wait-ed by the bil-la-bong; you'll come a-waltz-ing Ma-til-da, with me; come a waltz-ing. VERSE 3 Won't you come a-waltz-ing Ma-til-da won't you; Won't you come a-waltz-ing Ma-til-da won't you; Won't you come a-waltz-ing Won't you come a-waltz-ing Won't you come a-waltz-ing, Waltz-ing Ma-til-da

VERSE 3a Won't you, Won't you, Ma-til-da won't you waltz. Won't you, Won't you, Ma-til-da won't you waltz. Won't you, Won't you, Won't you, Won't you, Won't you, Won't you Waltz-ing Ma-til-da.

CHORUS  Waltz-ing Ma-til-da, Waltz-ing Ma-til-da, You'll come a-waltz-ing Ma-til-da with me. And he sang as he talked to that jum-buck in his tuck-er bag, You'll come a-waltz-ing Ma-til-da with me. Oh! VERSE 4 Down came a jum-buck to drink be-side the bil-a-bong. Up jumped the swag-man and seized him with a glee; and he sang as he talked to that jum-buk in his tuck-er-bag, you'll come a-waltz-ing Ma-til-da with me; come a waltz-ing VERSE 5 Won't you come a-waltz-ing Ma-til-da won't you; Won't you come a-waltz-ing Ma-til-da won't you; Won't you come a-waltz-ing Won't you come a-waltz-ing Won't you come a-waltz-ing, Waltz-ing Ma-til-da, Waltz-ing Ma-til-da

VERSE 5a Won't you, Won't you, Ma-til-da come and waltz. Won't you, Won't you, Ma-til-da come and waltz.- Won't you, Won't you, Won't you, Won't you, Won't you, Won't you, Waltz-ing Ma-til-da. Waltz-ing Ma-til-da.

CHORUS  Waltz-ing Ma-til-da, Waltz-ing Ma-til-da, You'll come a-waltz-ing Ma-til-da with me. And he sang as he talked to that jum-buck in his tuck-er bag. ENDING You'll come a-waltz-ing; You'll come a-waltz-ing; You'll come a-waltz-ing Ma-til-da with me.

O Salutaris Hostia a 3 for SAB choir a cappella Opus 32 Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

O sa-lu-ta-ris Hos-ti-a, quae cae-li pan-dis os-ti-um. Bel-la pre-munt ho-sti-li-a, da ro-bur, fer au-xi-li-um. U-ni tri-no-que Do-mi-no, sit sem-pi-ter-na glo-ri-a, qui vi-tam si-ne ter-mi-no, no-bis do-net in pa-tri-a. A-men.

 O Come, Creator Spirit for SATB a cappella choir Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

O come, Cre-a-tor Spi-rit, come, O come, Cre-a-tor Spi-rit, come,  and make with-in our souls thy home, our souls thy home; sup-ply thy grace and heav'n-ly aid to fill the hearts which thou hast made, O Gift of God, most high, thy name is Com-for-ter; whom we ac-claim the fount of life, the fire of love, the soul's a-noint-ing from a-bove, The sev'n-fold gift of grace is thine, Thou fin-ger of the hand di-vine; the Fa-ther's prom-ise true, to teach our earth-ly tongues thy heav'n-ly speech. Ve-ni, Cre-a-tor, Spi-ri-tus, men-tes tu-o-rum vi-si-ta, im-ple su-per-na gra-ti-a, quae tu cre-a-sti, pec-to-ra.

Gloria with Bells for Piano, Bells, SATB Choir and Congregation Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

Using the the words of the 2010 revision of the Catholic Roman Missal ICEL

Glo-ry to God in the high-est, and on earth peace to peo-ple of good will.
We praise you, we bless you,  we a-dore you, we glo-ri-fy you,
we give you thanks for your great glo-ry,
Lord God, hea-v'nly King, O God, al-migh-ty Fa-ther.
Lord Je-sus Christ, On-ly Be-got-ten Son,
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Fa-ther,
you take a-way the sins of the world, have mer-cy on us;
you take a-way the sins of the world, re-ceive our prayer;
you are sea-ted at the right hand of the Fa-ther, have mer-cy on us.
For you a-lone are the Ho-ly One, you a-lone are the Lord,
you a-lone are the Most High, Je-sus Christ, with the Ho-ly Spi-rit,
in the glo-ry of God the Fa-ther. A-men.

Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit in C/Db for TTBB choir a cappella Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Ev'-ry time I feel the spi-rit mo-ving in my heart I will pray Ev'-ry time I feel the spi-rit mo-ving in my heart I will pray On Jor-dan ri-ver chil-ly and cold it chills the bo-dy not the soul. There ain't but one train runs on this track, it runs to hea-ven and right back. Up-on the moun-tain when my Lord spoke, out of his mouth came fire and smoke. And all a-round me it looked so fine I asked my Lord if all was mine.

Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit in F/Db for TTBB choir a cappella Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Ev'-ry time I feel the spi-rit mo-ving in my heart I will pray Ev'-ry time I feel the spi-rit mo-ving in my heart I will pray On Jor-dan ri-ver chil-ly and cold it chills the bo-dy not the soul. There ain't but one train runs on this track, it runs to hea-ven and right back. Up-on the moun-tain when my Lord spoke, out of his mouth came fire and smoke. And all a-round me it looked so fine I asked my Lord if all was mine.

Christ is Born SATB w electronic accompaniment Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Christ is born the Sav-iour of the world has come. Christ is born; born to-day; Christ is born let us all re-joice to-day. All rejoice for the Lord is born.  Rejoice; rejoice.  Let us re-joice for Christ is born. Re-joice and sing his praise. Christ is born to-day; Christ has come to-day; Christ is born to-day. Sing His praise for Christ the Lord is born to day. Christ is born; born today; Christ is born let us all rejoice today. Christ is born today. The Sav-iour of the world is born to to-day.

There is a Balm in Gilead for SATB/SB Choir with organ Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

CHORUS: There is a balm in Gil-e-ad to make the wound-ed whole; There is a balm in Gil-e-ad to heal the sin-sick soul.  A-men
VERSE 1: Some‑ times I feel dis- cour- aged. And think my work's in vain, But then the ho- ly spir- it Re- vives my soul a- gain.  CHORUS
VERSE 2: If you can't preach like Pet- er, If you can't preach like Paul. Just tell the love of Je- sus, And say He died for all. CHORUS VERSE 3: Don't ev- er be dis - cour- aged For Je- sus is your friend, And if you lack for know- ledge, He'll ne'er re- fuse to lend.  CHORUS

Patriots for 2 voice and keyboard Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

O Pa-tri-ots all are we. Just like those who came be-fore us. To pre-serve the land of the free from the West to the Eas-tern col-los-sus. From the first A-me-ri-can song- sters Will-iam Bill-ings then to Hop-kin-son. Kath-'rine Bates, Fran-cis Bell-a-my, poems and songs then "God Bless A-me-ri-ca". Our her--i-tage is pre-served by wri-ters of our his-to-ry. Brave ci-ti-zens were not un-nerved when roc-ket glare was no my-ste-ry. We stand proud and tall and will ne-ver for-get that-- those who came be-fore us made the U. S. safe for all. Both cit-i-zens young and old should ho-nor this great na-tion. The Con-sti-tu-tion could fold if vo-ters their in-ter-est they ra-tion. Bu-sy lives fill their day. Stud'-ying po-li-tics is such a bo-ther. An-al-i-zing what can-di-dates say or heed-ing faith of our fa-thers. When ci-t-izens i-gnore the iss-ues in the me-d-ia. They find it such a bore. Can't be bo-thered with so much te-di-a. So raise your an-ten-na and ne-ver for-get That free-doms ta-ken for gran-ted can dis-solve o-ver time.   Proud ci-ti-zens you should be for ser-ving this great coun-try. As years fast pro-ceed the young should thank you a-bun-dant-ly. Ge-ner-a-tions ma-tur-ing, whe-ther boom-ers, X or mi-llen-i-als Should read our past his-to-ry when cha-llenged we were no mys-te-ry. Whe-ther men or whe-ther w-omen, we an-swered the call to ac-tion. Un-sel-fish to the end, we stood up to neg-a-tive fac-tions. We give a sa-lute, as years swift-ly pass, To those who an-swered the call and gave free-dom for us all  

He is Risen Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Chorus Al-le-lu-ia, Je-sus Christ is ris'n to-day. Al-le-lu-ia, let us sing his praise. Al-le-lu-ia, Je-sus Christ is ris'n to-day. Let us all re-joice this day of days. Verse 1 When the wo-men went to the tomb that morn, to an-noint the bo-dy of Christ. They saw that the stone had been rolled back, and they won-dered what this could mean. Refrain Verse 2 Then the wo-men went in to the tomb. To see if Christ were still there; An An-gel of the Lord ap-peared to them say-ing "He whom you seek... is ri-sen". Refrain Verse 3 Then the wo-men ran from the tomb a-fraid; not know-ing what to be-lieve. Then Christ as a gard' ner to Ma ry ap-peared but Ma-ry knew him not. Refrain Verse 4 Then the gard'-ner said un-to Ma-ry "Wo-man, why do you weep"? At once Ma ry knew that this was Christ and that her Lord had ri-sen. Refrain Verse 5 Then the wo-men went in-to Gal-li-lee to pro-claim what they had seen. So we to must pro-claim to all "We have seen the Lord, he is ri-sen". Refrain

Unto the Hills for two voices and keyboard Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Un-to the hills will I lift up mine eyes. From whence com-eth my aid. My help is from the Lord Who heav-en and earth has made. God will not let your foot be moved. Your guar-dian ne-ver sleeps. God's watch-ful and un-slum-ber-ing care pro-tects and safe-ly keeps. Your faith-ful keep-er Is the Lord your God. Your shel-ter and your shade. 'Neath sun or moon by day time or by night Pro-vide for all your need. Your go-ing out your com-ing in God will for-ev-er lead.

Let Us Haste to Bethlemen for SATB Choir and Organ(opt.)  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Let us haste to Bethlehem
On this blessed Christmas morn;
Let us seek the manger's side
Where the son of Man was born.
Hail! All hail! Emmanuel.

Let us kneel in prayer and praise,
By the God-made Infant there;
While the star-led Three approach,
Bearing off'rings, rich and rare.
Hail! All hail! Emmanuel.

Let our eyes, through faith, behold
There our God, incarnate, lie;
Manhood, as a helpless babe;
Godhead, regnant from on high.
Hail! All hail! Emmanuel.

Perfect man, Eternal God,
Ruler of the boundless skies;
There a weak and lowly child-
Mystery of mysteries.
Hail! All hail! Emmanuel.

In the holy Babe we see,
With the wise men of the East,
Finite and the Infinite,
Both the Off'ring and the Priest.
 Hail! All hail! Emmanuel.

Without speech, yet councillor;
In a Manger, yet a King;
Natural, yet Wonderful;
Let our glad Hosannas ring.
Hail! All hail! Emmanuel.

Let us shout with very joy,
As the organ's notes resound;
Let our great thanksgiving float
Upward on the wings of sound.
Hail! All hail! Emmanuel.

Glory to the Father be;
Glory to the Blessed son;
Glory to the Holy Ghost;
Glory to the Three in One,
Hail! All hail! Emmanuel..

Words: George Ashdown Audsley

Sing Praises to God for two voices and keyboard  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Prais-es, prais-es, prais-es to God. Let all God's creat-ures praise the Lord our God. Praise Him in His migh-ty heav'ns. Praise Him for acts of pow'r and great-ness. Praise Him with the sound of the trum-pet. Praise Him with the harp and lyre. Praise Him with tam-bour-ine and dan-cing. Praise Him with the strings and flute. Praise Him with re-sound-ing cym-bals. Let ev'-ry-thing that has breath priase the Lord. To God to God. Let all praise the Lord.

Road to Resurrection for two voices and keyboard  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

For-ty days and for-ty nights, For-ty days and for-ty nights. Je-sus prayed. He prayed and prayed. All a-lone, all a-lone, He knew His lot, His world-ly fate. He prayed and fast-ed  

Fes-ti-val time. Cel-le-bra-tion. The faith-ful wait-ed and watched for Je-sus to en-ter Je-ru-sa-lem. Palm bran-ches were strewn in His way as He rode tri-umph-ant-ly in-to the ci-ty. But the dye was cast. Lead-ers, scribes and one of His own dis-ci-ples has-tened His fate on the cross At the tomb the wo-men ar-rived. He is gone. They see him. They spread the word. Joy-ous day! Hal-le-lu-lah! The sav-iour lives. Let the world re-joice.

Built on a Rock for two voices and keyboard  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Built on the rock the church doth stand. E-ven when stee-ples are fall-ing. Though spires have crum-bled in ma-ny lands. Bells still are chim-ing and call-ing. Call-ing the young and old to rest, and a-bove all souls dis-tressed Built in our bod-ies is His tem-ple. We are God's house of liv-ing stones. Here stands the font be-fore our eyes. Tell-ing how God did re-ceive us. The al-tar re-calls Christ's sac-ri-fice, and what His ta-ble doth give us. Now as we gath-er with our King. Prai-ses to Him we here may bring. Grant then, O God wher'-ere men roam "Ah" that when the church bells are ring-ing ma-ny in faith may come.

HYMN: God Speaks to Me  a GnosticChristian Hymn Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

1 When I won-der if I'm wrong, my God speaks to me. When I won-der if I'm right, my God speaks to me.

Chorus: O-thers try to speak for Him. My God needs them not. My God to me speaks di-rect.   Preach-ers preach; ev'ry week.  This is right;  That is wrong.  Heed my words or your soul will rot in hell. As they try to shout God out, I sim-ply shut them out; then I can hear God speak.

2 When I see hate all a-round, my God speaks to me Hate our preach-ers don't con-demn. Chorus. 3 When I see God be-ing used, my God speaks to me Used for man's own sel-fish gains, my God speaks to me. Chorus 4 When I see the world at war, my God speaks to me. Wars that ne-ver seem to end, my God speaks to me. Chorus. 5 When you won-der if you're wrong, God will speak to you. When you won-der if you're right, God will speak to you. Your God needs them not. Your God to you speaks di-rect. When they try to shout God out, just sim-ply shut them out; then you can hear God speak.

HYMN: St. Paul Did Preach Of Love Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Saint Paul did preach of love; of the love of Je-sus Christ; of love that ne-ver ends; ne-ver false; al-ways true. Oh Lord, help me to strive to love as Paul did preach. With love that ne-ver ends; ne-ver false and al-ways true.

True love is al-ways pa-tient. True love is al-ways kind. True love is ne-ver boast-ful and knows not con-ceit. Oh Lord, help me to live in love as Paul did preach, with love that's ne-ver boast-ful and does not know con-ceit.

To speak in tongues of men or of ang-els, with-out love, our voi-ces are but cym-bals or loud-sound-ing gongs. To give all to the poor, and bo-dies to the flames; to do so with-out love, noth-ing will you ev-er gain. When Je-sus comes a-gain, then our love will be com-plete. All pro-phe-cies shall cease and all tongues will be stilled. His love but will re- main. as Paul him-self pro-claimed; of faith and hope and love, great-est of these three is love.

HYMN: Our Lord Is Risen Today Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

Our Lord is ri-sen to-day Re-joice with us And sing His praise. Re-joice this day of days. Our Lord is a-ri-sen, Ri-sen to-day. Praise Him. Praise Him. Praise our ri-sen Lord. The chains of death He has loosed. Sal-va-tion reigns with-in each heart, for Christ has played His part. Our Lord is a-ri-sen; Ri-sen to-day. Praise Him. Praise Him. Praise our ri-sen Lord. The love we hold for the Lord, we share with all through-out this land, for this is God's com-mand. The Lord is our shep-herd; We shall not want. Praise Him. Praise Him. Praise our ri-sen Lord.

O Salutaris Hostia a 12 for SSSAAATTTBBB choir Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

O sa-lu-ta-ris Ho-sti-a, quae cae-li pan-dis os-ti-um, pan-dis os-ti-um, bel-la prae-munt ho-sti-li-a, da ro-bur fer au-xi-li-um, da ro-bur fer au-xi-li-um, da ro-bur fer au-xi-li-um! U-ni tri-no-que Do-mi-no, Do-mi-no, Do-mi-no, sit sem-pi-ter-na glo-ri-a, qui vi-tam si-ne ter-mi-no, no-bis do-net in pa-tri-a,  no-bis do-net in pa-tri-a, no-bis do-net in pa-tri-a, in pa-tri-a.

Six Selected Christmas Carols for solo voice and guitar open strings Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

WHAT IS THIS LOVELY FRAGRANCE What is this love-ly fra-grance waf- ting like to the scents of flow'rs in spring! Shep-herds, O tell us, whence such beau-ty, Hear you not heav'n-ly ca-ro-ling? What is this love-ly fra-grance waf- ting like to the scents of flow'rs in spring.

What is this light so fair, so ten-der brea-king u-pon our won-d'ring eyes? Ne-ver the Mor-ning Star so ra-diant fol-lowed his course o'er eas-tern skies. What is this light so fair, so ten-der, brea-king u-pon our won-d'ring eyes?

Shep-herds, O haste with ea-ger foot-steps seek the Sa-vior, born to-day. Low at His feet we lay our trea-sure, heart's a-do-ra-tion, love for aye. Shep-herds, O haste with ea-ger foot- steps seek the Sa-vior, born to-day.

SILENT NIGHT Si-lent night, ho-ly night. All is calm, all is bright, round yon Vir-gin Moth-er and Child, Ho-ly In-fant, so ten-der and mild, sleep in heav-en-ly peace, sleep in heav-en-ly peace.

Si-lent night, ho-ly night. Shep-herds quake at the sight, glo-ries stream from heav-en a-far, heav'n-ly hosts sing "Al-le-lu-ia; Christ the Sa-vior is born, Christ the Sa-vior is born.

Si-lent night, ho-ly night. Son of God, love's pure Light, ra-diant beams from thy ho-ly face, with the dawn of re-deem-ing grace, Je-sus, Lord at thy birth, Je-sus, Lord at thy birth.

WHAT CHILD IS THIS What Child is this, who, laid to rest, on Ma-ry's lap is sleep-ing? Whom an-gels greet with an-thems sweet, while shep-herds watch are keep-ing? Refrain: This, this is Christ the King, whom shep-herds guard and an-gels sing: Haste, haste to bring him laud, the Babe, the son of Ma-ry.

Why lies he in such mean es-tate where ox and ass are feed-ing? Good Chris-tian, fear: for sin-ners here the si-lent Word is plead-ing. Refrain:

So bring him in-cense, gold, and myrrh, come, peas-ant, king, to own him; The King of kings sal-va-tion brings, let lov-ing hearts en-throne him. Refrain:

A VIRGIN UNSPOTTED A Vir-gin un-spot-ted, the Pro-phet fore-told, should bring forth a Sa-vior which now we be-hold to be our Re-deem-er from Death, Hell and Sin, which A-dam's trans-gres-sion in-vol-ved us in. Refrain: Then let us be mer-ry, put Sor-row a-way, our Sa-vior, Christ Je-sus was born on this day!

Through Beth-le-hem ci-ty, in Jew-ry it was, that Jo-seph and Ma-ry to-ge-ther did pass; and for to be taxed when thith-er they came, since Cae-sar Aug-us-tus com-man-ded the same. Refrain:

To teach us Hu-mi-li-ty all this was done, then learn we from hence haugh-ty Pride for to shun; a man-ger's his cra-dle, who came from a-bove, the great God of Mer-cy, of Peace, and of Love. Refrain:

WHAT STAR IS THIS What star is this, with beams so bright, more beau-teous than the noon-day light? It shines to her-ald forth the King, and Gen-tiles to his crib to bring.

True spake the pro-phet from a-far who told the rise of Ja-cob's star; and east-ern sa-ges with a-maze up-on the won-drous to-ken gaze.

To God the Fa-ther, heavn-ly Light, to Christ, re-vealed in earth-ly night, to God the Ho-ly Ghost we raise our e-qual and un-ceas-ing praise.

The guid-ing star a-bove is bright; with-in them shines a clear-er light, and leads them on with pow'r be-nign to seek the Giv-er of the sign.

THE FIRST NOWELL The first Now-ell the an-gel did say was to cer-tain poor shep-herds in fields as they lay; in fields as they lay, keep-ing their sheep, on a cold win-ter's night that was so deep. Now-ell, Now-ell, Now-ell, Now-ell, born is the King of Is-ra-el.  They look-ed up and saw a star shin-ing in the east be-yond them far, and to the earth it gave great light, and so it con-tin-ued both day and night.

And by the light of that same star three wise men came from coun-try far; to seek for a king was their in-tent, and to fol-low the star wher-ev-er it went.  

Six Selected Christmas Carols for unison choir or/and congregation and guitar open strings  Back
Six Selected Christmas Carols for solo voice and guitar open strings

A Child is Born - A Christmas Tableau for solo voice or cantor and guitar open strings  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition  Back

WHAT IS THIS LOVELY FRAGRANCE What is this love-ly fra-grance waf- ting like to the scents of flow'rs in spring! Shep-herds, O tell us, whence such beau-ty, Hear you not heav'n-ly ca-ro-ling? What is this love-ly fra-grance waf- ting like to the scents of flow'rs in spring.

What is this light so fair, so ten-der brea-king u-pon our won-d'ring eyes? Ne-ver the Mor-ning Star so ra-diant fol-lowed his course o'er eas-tern skies. What is this light so fair, so ten-der, brea-king u-pon our won-d'ring eyes?

Shep-herds, O haste with ea-ger foot-steps seek the Sa-vior, born to-day. Low at His feet we lay our trea-sure, heart's a-do-ra-tion, love for aye. Shep-herds, O haste with ea-ger foot- steps seek the Sa-vior, born to-day.

SILENT NIGHT Si-lent night, ho-ly night. All is calm, all is bright, round yon Vir-gin Moth-er and Child, Ho-ly In-fant, so ten-der and mild, sleep in heav-en-ly peace, sleep in heav-en-ly peace.

Si-lent night, ho-ly night. Shep-herds quake at the sight, glo-ries stream from heav-en a-far, heav'n-ly hosts sing "Al-le-lu-ia; Christ the Sa-vior is born, Christ the Sa-vior is born.

Si-lent night, ho-ly night. Son of God, love's pure Light, ra-diant beams from thy ho-ly face, with the dawn of re-deem-ing grace, Je-sus, Lord at thy birth, Je-sus, Lord at thy birth.

WHAT CHILD IS THIS What Child is this, who, laid to rest, on Ma-ry's lap is sleep-ing? Whom an-gels greet with an-thems sweet, while shep-herds watch are keep-ing? Refrain: This, this is Christ the King, whom shep-herds guard and an-gels sing: Haste, haste to bring him laud, the Babe, the son of Ma-ry.

Why lies he in such mean es-tate where ox and ass are feed-ing? Good Chris-tian, fear: for sin-ners here the si-lent Word is plead-ing. Refrain:

So bring him in-cense, gold, and myrrh, come, peas-ant, king, to own him; The King of kings sal-va-tion brings, let lov-ing hearts en-throne him. Refrain:

A VIRGIN UNSPOTTED A Vir-gin un-spot-ted, the Pro-phet fore-told, should bring forth a Sa-vior which now we be-hold to be our Re-deem-er from Death, Hell and Sin, which A-dam's trans-gres-sion in-vol-ved us in. Refrain: Then let us be mer-ry, put Sor-row a-way, our Sa-vior, Christ Je-sus was born on this day!

Through Beth-le-hem ci-ty, in Jew-ry it was, that Jo-seph and Ma-ry to-ge-ther did pass; and for to be taxed when thith-er they came, since Cae-sar Aug-us-tus com-man-ded the same. Refrain:

To teach us Hu-mi-li-ty all this was done, then learn we from hence haugh-ty Pride for to shun; a man-ger's his cra-dle, who came from a-bove, the great God of Mer-cy, of Peace, and of Love. Refrain:

WHAT STAR IS THIS What star is this, with beams so bright, more beau-teous than the noon-day light? It shines to her-ald forth the King, and Gen-tiles to his crib to bring.

True spake the pro-phet from a-far who told the rise of Ja-cob's star; and east-ern sa-ges with a-maze up-on the won-drous to-ken gaze.

To God the Fa-ther, heavn-ly Light, to Christ, re-vealed in earth-ly night, to God the Ho-ly Ghost we raise our e-qual and un-ceas-ing praise.

The guid-ing star a-bove is bright; with-in them shines a clear-er light, and leads them on with pow'r be-nign to seek the Giv-er of the sign.

THE FIRST NOWELL The first Now-ell the an-gel did say was to cer-tain poor shep-herds in fields as they lay; in fields as they lay, keep-ing their sheep, on a cold win-ter's night that was so deep. Now-ell, Now-ell, Now-ell, Now-ell, born is the King of Is-ra-el.  They look-ed up and saw a star shin-ing in the east be-yond them far, and to the earth it gave great light, and so it con-tin-ued both day and night.

And by the light of that same star three wise men came from coun-try far; to seek for a king was their in-tent, and to fol-low the star wher-ev-er it went. PLUS 3 MORE  HYMNS TO BE ADDED

A Child is Born - A Christmas Tableau for unison choir or/and congregationand guitar open string                Back
A Child is Born - A Christmas Tableau for solo voice or cantor and guitar open strings

Our Hope is Born This Christmastide Anthem for Choir & Organ Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

Our hope is born this Christ-mas-tide, ful-fil-ment of God's love-on earth, our hope, our joy, our prom-ise come true! we kneel-be-fore love come to the world. The dark-ness of our world grows bright, our hearts are filled with wond ring awe, the joy of love un-fold-ing in our souls, the love of God sent to our world,   in flesh we share in the di-vine,   in peace this Christ-mas tide our hope is born. Our hope is born this Christ-mas-tide, ful-fill-ment of God's love-on earth, our hope, our joy, our pro-mise-come true,-we kneel-be-fore love come to

Pange Lingua Gloriosi, SATB Choral Anthem Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

Pan-ge, lin-gua, glo-ri-o-si, Cor-po-ris my-ste-ri-um, San-qui-nis-que pre-ti-o-si, Quem in mun-di pre-ti-um, Fruc-tus ven-tris gen-er-o-si, Rex ef-fu-dit gen-ti-um. Sing, my tongue, the Sav-iour's glo-ry, of His Flesh, the mys-t'ry sing: Of the Blood, all price ex-ceed-ing, shed by our im-mor-tal King, Des-tined, for the world's re-demp-tion, from a no-ble womb to spring. A-men. No-bis da-tus, no-bis na-tus, Ex in-tac-ta Vir-gi-ne, Et in mun-do con-ver-sa-tus, Spar-so ver-bi sem-i-ne, Su-i mor-as in-co-la-tus, mi-ro clau-sit or-di-ne. A-men. Of a pure and spot-less Vir-gin born for us on earth be-low. He, as Man with man con-vers-ing, stayed, the seeds of truth to sow; Then He closed in so-lemn or-der won-drous-ly His Life of woe.

In su-pre-mae noc-te coe-ne Re-cum-bens cum frat-i-bus, Ob-serv-a-ta le-ge ple-ne Ci-bis in le-gal-i-bus, Ci-bum tur-bae du-o-den-ae Se dat su-is man-i-bus. On the night of that Last Su-per, seat-ed with His cho-sen band, He the Pas-chal Vic-tim eat-ing, first ful-fils the Law's com-mand; then as Food to all His bre-thren gives Him-self with His own Hand, Ver-bum ca-ro, pa-new ver-um Ver-bo car-new ef-ft-cit; Fit-que san-guis Chris-ti me-rum, Et si-sen-sus de-fi-cit, Ad fir-man-dum cor sin-cer-um So-la fi-des suf-fi-cit. A-men. Word-made-flesh, the bread of na-ture by His Word to flesh he turns; Wine in-to His Blood He chang-es: what though sense to change dis-cerns. On-ly be the heart in earn-est Faith he les-son quick-ly learns. A-men. A-men.

Tan-tum Er-go sac-re-men-tum ve-ne-re-mur cer-nu-i: Et an-ti-quum do-cu-men-tum No-vo-ce-dat ri-tu-i: Prae-stet fi-des sup-ple-men-tum Sen-su-um de-fec-tu-i. Down in ad-or-a-tion fall-ing, Lo, the sac-red Host we hail, Lo, o'er an-cient forms de-part-ing New-er rites of grace pre-vail: Faith for all de-fects sup-ply-ing, When the fee-ble sens-es fail. Gen-i-tor-ri, Gen-i-to-que Laus et ju-bi-la-ti-o, Sa-lus, hon-or, vir-tus, quo-que Sit et be-ne-di-ci-o: Pro-ce-den-ti ab u-tro-que Com-par sit lau-da-ti-o. To the Ev-er-last-ing Fa-ther And the Son who comes on high With the Ho-ly Ghost pro-ceed-ing Fort from each e-ter-nal-ly, Be sal-va-tion, hon-or, bless-ing, Might and end-less maj-es-ty. A-men. A-men.

Sequence Hymn for Pentecost for SATB Choir or and Congregation Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

Come Ho-ly Spir-it Lord, di-vine Come from heights of heav'n and shine. Come with blessed rad-iance bright. Come Ho-ly Fath-er of the poor, Come whose treas-ured gifts en-dure. Come with our hearts true light. Of con-sol-ers wis-est best and our souls most wel-come guest, sweet re-fresh-ment, sweet re-pose.Light most bless-ed shine with grace. in-our heart's most se-cret place.

Fill our hearts through and through. Left with-out your pres-ence, here, life it-self would dis-ap-pear, no-thing thrives with out you In our la-bor rest most sweet, plea-sant cool-ness in the heat, con-so-la-tion in our woes. On- the faith-ful who are true, and pro-fess their faith in you, Your sev'n-fold gifts de-scend.

Cleanse our soil-ed hearts of sin, ar-id souls re-fresh with-in, wound-ed lives to health re-store. Give-us vir-tue's sure re-ward, give-us your sal-va-tion, Lord, joys joys-that ne-ver end Bend the stub-born heart and will, melt the froz-en, warm the chill, guide the way-ward home once more.

Sun of Justice, SATB Choral Anthem Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

Sun of jus-tice, Je-sus Christ, dis-pel the dark-ness of our hearts, til your blest light makes night-time flee a-way and brings the joys your day im-parts.Iam Chris-te, sol jus-ti-ti-ae, Men-tis de-his-cant ten-e-brae, vir-tu-tum ut lux re-de-at, ter-ris di-em cum re-par-as. In this, our "time ac-cept-a-ble," touch ev-'ry heart with sor-row, Lord, That, turned from sin, re-newed by grace,

We may press on toward love's re-ward. Dans tem-pus ac-cept-a-bi-le, et pae-ni-tens tri-bu-e con-ver-tat ut be-nig-ni-tas at, qu-ous lon-ga su-fert pie-tas.This day, your day, in beau-ty dawns when in your light earth blooms a-new Led back a-gain to life's true way May we, for-giv'n, re-joice in you.  Iam Chris-te, sol jus-ti-ti-ae, Oo Oo Men-tis de-his-cant ten-e-brae

 Oo Oo vir-tu-tum ut lux re-de-at, ter-ris di-em cum re-par-as.O lov-ing Trin-i-ty, our God, To you we bow through end-less days, And in your new-grace new-born we sing New hymns of grat-i-tude and praise. Dans tem-pus ac-cept-a-bi-le, Oo Oo et pae-ni-tens tri-bu-e Oo Oo con-ver-tat ut be-nig-ni-tas at, qu-ous lon-ga su-fert pie-tas.

Spirit of Fervour Psalm 50 for Ash Wednesday for SATB Choir, Flute and Handbells   Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

Be mer-ci-ful, O God for we have sinned, In Your com-pas-sion blot out my of-fence O wash my guilt and cleanse me from my sin. In a spir-it of fer-vour make us ho-ly hold your peo-ple firm-ly in your hands. Have mer-cy-on me,

God in your great kind-ness, O wash my guilt and cleanse me from my sin. A heart so pure cre-ate for me O God and put your stead-fast pres-ence in my spi-rit, Do not de-prive me of your ho-ly name. Be mer-ci-ful O-mer-ci-ful O-God for we have sinned. In a spir-it of fer-vour make us ho-ly hold your peo-ple firm-ly in your hands, in a spir-it of fer-vour make us ho-ly, hold your peo-ple firm-ly in your hands.
Introit: Requiem Aeternam  for Soloist and Organ   Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

BTe de-cet hym-nus De-us in Si-on, et ti-bi red-de-tur vo-tum in Je-ru-sa-lem: Ex-au-di o-ra-ti-o-nem me-am, ad te om-nis ca-ro ve-ni-et. Te de-cet hym-nus De-us in Si-on, et ti-bi red-de-tur vo-tum in Je-ru-sa-lem:

Ex-au-di o-ra-ti-o-nem me-am, ad te om-nis ca-ro ve-ni-et. Te de-cet hym-nus De-us in Si-on, et ti-bi red-de-tur vo-tum in Je-ru-sa-lem: Ex-au-di o-ra-ti-o-nem me-am, ad te om-nis ca-ro ve-ni-et. Re-qui-em ae-ter-nam do-na e-is, Do-mi-ne: et lux per-pe-tu-a lu-ce-at e-is. Re-qui-em ae-ter-nam do-na e-is, Do-mi-ne: et lux per-pe-tu-a lu-ce-at e-is. Re-qui-em ae-ter-nam do-na e-is, Do-mi-ne: et lux per-pe-tu-a lu-ce-at e-is.
Introit: Requiem Aeternam  for Unison Voices, any combination, and Organ  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back

BTe de-cet hym-nus De-us in Si-on, et ti-bi red-de-tur vo-tum in Je-ru-sa-lem: Ex-au-di o-ra-ti-o-nem me-am, ad te om-nis ca-ro ve-ni-et. Te de-cet hym-nus De-us in Si-on, et ti-bi red-de-tur vo-tum in Je-ru-sa-lem:

Ex-au-di o-ra-ti-o-nem me-am, ad te om-nis ca-ro ve-ni-et. Te de-cet hym-nus De-us in Si-on, et ti-bi red-de-tur vo-tum in Je-ru-sa-lem: Ex-au-di o-ra-ti-o-nem me-am, ad te om-nis ca-ro ve-ni-et. Re-qui-em ae-ter-nam do-na e-is, Do-mi-ne: et lux per-pe-tu-a lu-ce-at e-is. Re-qui-em ae-ter-nam do-na e-is, Do-mi-ne: et lux per-pe-tu-a lu-ce-at e-is. Re-qui-em ae-ter-nam do-na e-is, Do-mi-ne: et lux per-pe-tu-a lu-ce-at e-is.
Sacred Settings for Voice and Guitar  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
Thus saith the high and lof-ty One: I sit up-on my ho-ly throne.
My name is God, I dwell on high, dwell in mine own e-ter-ni-ty.

Clouds and dark-ness are round a-bout him.
Righ-teous-ness and judge-ment, these are his ha-bi-ta-tion.
From his pre-sence go-eth fire and con-su-meth all his e-ne-mies.
For his ligh-t'nings have ligh-tened the world;
the earth be-held and trem-bled.
Moun-tains shall melt as wax be-fore his pre-sence
when the migh-ty one com-eth to judge-ment.
The hea-vens de-clare his truth and righ-teous-ness,
and all the earth re-joi-ceth in his pre-sence.

1. I will sing new songs of glad-ness;

I will sing Je-ho-vah's prai-ses up-on a ten-stringed psal-te-ry.
2. Ev'-ry day will I ex-tol thee and will bless thy ho-ly name; I will bless thy ho-ly name.
3. Great is God and great his mer-cy;
who shall tell of all his great-ness?

Who shall his pow'r de-clare?
4. My song shall be of praise and ho-nor and of thy glo-rious acts.
Thy works are won-der-ful, past our know-ing.Yea, men shall tell of thy great kind-ness and of thy won-d'rous might.
And my voice shall pro-claim a-loud thy glo-ry!
Let all the world in e-ve-ry cor-ner sing: My God and King! The heav'ns are not too high; his prai-se thi-ther fly. The earth is not too low. His prai-ses there may grow. Let all the world in e-ve-ry cor-ner sing: My God and King! The Church with psalms must shout. No door can keep them out. But a-bove all, the heart must bear the long-est part. Let all the world in e-ve-ry cor-ner, e-v'ry cor-ner sing: My God and King!

1. What won-drous love is this, O my soul, O my soul!
What won-drous love is this that caused the Lord of bliss
to bear the dread-ful curse,for my soul, for my soul!
2. When I was sink-ing down,sink-ing down, sink-ing down,
when I was sink-ing down,be-neath God's right-eous frown,
Christ laid a-side his crownfor my soul, for my soul
3. To God and to the Lamb, I will sing, I will sing,
To God and to the Lamb,who is the great I AM,
while mil-lions join the theme,I will sing, I will sing!
4. And while from death I'm free,I'll sing on, I'll sing on,
and while from death I'm free,I'll sing on.
1. This is the truth sent from a-bove, the truth of God, the God of love. There-fore don't turn me from your door, but heark-en all both rich and poor.
2. The first thing which I do re-late is that God did man cre-ate. The next thing which to you I'll tell: Wo-man was made with man to dwell.
3. Thus we were heirs to end-less woes, till God the Lord did in-ter-pose. And so a pro-mise soon did run that he would re-deem us by his Son.  
4. And at that sea-son of the year our blest Re-deem-er did ap-pear. He here did live, and here did preach. And ma-ny thou-sands he did teach.
5. Thus he in love to us be-haved, to show us how we must be saved. And if you want to know the way, be pleas'd to hear what he did say.
Hark the Hearld Angels Sing for SATB Choir and Piano   Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
Hark the her-ald an-gels sing, glo-ry to the new born king, peace on earth and mer-cy mild, God and sin-ners rec-on-ciled, joy-ful all ye na-tions rise, join the tri-umph of the skies, with an-gel-ic host pro-claim, Christ is born in Beth-le hem. Hark the her-ald ang-els sing, glo-ry to the new born King. Christ by high-est Heav'n a-dored, Christ the e-ver-las-ting Lord, late in time be-hold he comes, off-spring of a vir-gin's womb, veiled in flesh the God-head see, hail th'in-car-nate De-it-y, pleased as man with man to dwell, Je-sus our E-man-u-el. Hark the her-ald ang-els sing, glo-ry to the new born King. Hail the heav'n born prince of peace, hail the Son of right-eous-ness, light and life to all he brings, ris'n with hea-ling in his wings, mild he lays his glo-ry, by born that man no more may die, born to raise the sons of earth, born to give them sec-ond bi-rth. Hark the her-ald ang-els sing, glo-ry to the new born King.
It Came Upon a Midnight Clear for SATB Choir and Piano  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
 It came up-on a mid-night clear, That glor-ious song of old, From an-gels ben-ding near the Earth, To touch their harps of gold "Peace on the Earth, good-will to men, From heavens all gra-cious King!" The world in so-lemn still-nes lay to hear the an-gels sing Ho-sa-nna in the high-est, Ho-sa-nna to the King and peace good-will to men on Earth, we hear them sing hear them sing hear the an-gels sing hear the an-gels sing sing sin
Jesus Loves Me, This I Know for SATB Choir and Piano   Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord bless you and keep you, The Lord make his face to shine u-pon you, and be gra-cious, gra-cious on-to you. The Lord lift up the light of his coun-ten-ance and give you peace, and give you peace. A-men, A-=-men A-men, A-men, The Lord lift up the light Je-sus loves me He who died, Hea-ven's ven's gate to o-pen wide; He will wash a-way my sin, Let His li-ttle child come in Je-sus loves me He will stay, Close be-be-side me all the way; He's pre-pared a home for me, And some day His face I'll see
Lord Bless You and Keep You for SATB Choir and Organ  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord bless you and keep you, The Lord make his face to shine u-pon you, and be gra-cious, gra-cious on-to you. The Lord lift up the light of his coun-ten-ance and give you peace, and give you peace. A-men, A-=-men A-men, A-men, The Lord lift up the light
Now The Holly Bear a Berry (Sans Day Carol) for SATB Choir and Piano  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
Now the ho-lly bears a ber-ry as blo-od it is red, and Ma-ry bore Je-sus who ro-se from the dead. gre en as the grass, and Mar-ry bore Je-sus who di-ed on the cross. And whi-te as the milk, and Ma-ry bore Je-sus who was wra-pped up in silk. And Mary bore Je-sus, our sa-vior for to be, and the first tree in the green-wood, it was the hol-ly, and Mary bore Je-sus our Sav-ior, it was the hol-ly.
O little town of Bethlehem for SATB Choir and Piano  Click on the Title to Listen to the CompositionBack
O li-ttle town of Beth-le-hem, How still we see thee lie! A-bove thy deep and dream-less sleep, the si-lent stars go by. Yet in thy dark streets shi-neth, the e-ver-las-ting light; the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee to-night. How in. O ho-ly Child of Beth-le-hem, des-cend to us we pray cast out our sin and en-ter in be born in us to-day. We hear the Christ-mas an-gels the great glad ti-dings tell O come to us a-bide with us our Lord E-mman-u-el. night night night Si-lent-ly, how si-lent-ly, the won-drous gift is giv'n! So God im-parts to hu-man hearts, the bless-ings of His heav'n. No ear may hear his co-ming; but in this world of sin, If meek souls will re-ceive him, still the dear Christ en-ters in
O Sleep Thou Heaven Born Treasure for SATB Choir and Piano  Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
O sleep thou heav'n born trea-sure Thou, Sleep sound Thou dear-est dear-est child, while an gels wi-ngs shall fan Thy brow with bree-zes so-ft and mi-ld ld ld. We shep-herds po-or are he-re to sing, a sim-ple lul-lay to our King. Lul-la-by lul-la-by lul-la-by lul la by lul-la-by lul-la-by lul-la-by lul-la-by See Ma-ry has with mo-ther's love, a bed, a bed for thee out-spread, and Jo-seph stoops him from a-bove, and wat-ches at thy head. The lambs so nigh that Thou may sleep, have h-ushed have h-ushed their cry. And when Thou'rt big and art a man, full woe, full woe's in store for Thee, for cru-el man Thy death will plan and hang Thee on a tree. So sleep my ba by wh-ilest Thou may, twill re-st Thee for that day.
Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi for SATB Choir and Piano   Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
Lord make me an in-stru-ment of your pea-ce. Where there is hat-red let me show lo-ve, where there is in-ju-ry par-don, Fai-th. Where there is des-pair hope, where there is dark-ness light, as to con-sole joy to be un-der-stood as to un-der-stand to be loved as to love.  It is in giv-ing that we re-ceive, it is in par-don-ing that we are par-doned that we are born to e-ter-nal life.
E-ter-nal life e-ter-nal life.
A-men A-men A-men A-men A-men A-men A-men A-men. it is in dy-ing . Grant I may not seek to be con-soled, and where there's sad-ness, where there is doubt,
Prayer of St. Richard for SATB Choir (Day by Day) and Piano   Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
Thanks be to you, our Lord Je-sus Christ, for all the be-ne-fits you give to us. For all the pains and in-sults which you have borne for us. Most mer-ci-ful Re-deem-er, friend and bro-ther, may we know you more clear-ly, love you more dear-ly, and fol-low you more near-ly, day by day, A-men
See Amid the Winter Snow for SATB Choir and Piano   Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
See a-mid the win-ter's snow, born for us on earth be-low. See the ten-der lamb a-ppears, prom-ised from e-ter-nal years Hail thou-e-ver ble-ssed morn. Hail re-dem-tion's ha-ppy dawn. Lo with-in a man-ger lies, He who built the star-ry skies. He who throned in height sub-lime, Sits a-mid the cher-u-bim Hail thou e-ver ble-ssed morn, hail re-dem-tion's hap-py dawn. As we watched at dead of night, lo we saw a won-d'rous light. An-gels sing-ing peace on earth, told us of the sav-ior's birth. Hail thou ev-er ble-ssed morn, hail re-demp-tion's hap-py dawn. Teach o teach us Ho-ly child, By thy face so meek and mild. Teach us to re-sem-ble Thee, in thy sweet hu-mil-it-ty. ah 
Prayer of St. Patrick for SATB Choir (Christ be with you) and Piano Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
 Christ be with me, Christ be-fore me, Christ be-hind me, Christ in me. Christ a-a-a-a-a-bove me, Christ be-neath me, Christ on right and left of me. Christ when ly-ing, Christ when stand-ing, Christ in heart that thinks of of of of me. Christ in Christ in Christ in eve-ry eye that sees me, Christ in eve-ry ear that hears,  Christ to streng-then and up-hold me, Christ to guide me Chri-st be near, Christ to love me and to save me a-far and near A-men
We Wish You A Merry Christmas for SATB Choir and Piano Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
We wi-sh you,  a mer-ry Christ-mas and a ha-ppy new ye-ar.
When I Survey the Wonderous Cross for SATB Choir and Piano   Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
When I sur-vey the won-derous cross On which the Pri-nce of glo-ry died My rich-est gain I count but loss a-nd pour con-te-mpt on all my pride For-bid it Lord, that I should boast, save in the dea-th of Christ, my God; All the vain things that charm me most I sac-ri ri ri-fi-ce ce ce ce them to His blood. See, from his head, His hands, His feet, so-rrow and lo-ve flow min-gled down.
Did e'er such love and so-rrow meet,
or thorns com-p-ose so rich a crown. so rich a crown. Were the whole realm of na-ture mine, that were an of-fer-ing far to small; Love so a-maz-ing so di vine de-mands my my my soul my life my all
All Things Bright and Beautiful for Children’s Choir and Piano   Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
All thing bright and beau-ti-ful, all crea-tures great and small, all things wise and won-der-ful, the Lord God made them Lord God made them Lord God made them all. lord God made them all. He gave us eyes to see them, and lips that we might tell, how great is God Al-migh-ty, who has made all things, has made all things, has made all things well. The cold wind in the win-ter, the plea-sant sum-mer sun, the ripe fruits in the gar-den, He made them e-very-one. The pur-ple head-ed moun-tain, the riv-er run-ing by, the sun-set and the mor-ning, that brigh-tens up the sky. Each lit-tle flower that o-pens, each lit-tle bird that sings, He made their glow-ing col-ors, He made their ti-ny wings. lit-tle bird that ??????
God Be In My Head for SATB Choir and Piano   Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
God be in my head and in my un-der-stand-ing. God be in my eyes and in my loo king. God be in my mou-th, and in my spea king God be in my heart and in my thin king, God be at my end at my de-par-ting.
Gaelic Farewell (May the road rise to meet you) for SATB Choir and Piano   Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be al-ways at your back, may the sun, shine warm up-on your fa-ce, may the rain fall soft-ly, up-on your fields un-til we meet a-gain, and may God and may God hold you in the hol-low of his hand, un-till we meet a-gain.
Gaelic Benediction (Peace of the running wave to you) for SATB Choir and Piano   Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
Deep peace of the run-ning wave to you, deep peace of the flow-ing air to you, deep peace of the qu-iet earth to you, deep peace of the shin-ning stars to you. Deep peace of the Son of peace to you. Peace of Christ Deep peace of the run-ning wave to you, deep peace of the flow-ing air to you, deep peace of the qu-iet earth to you, deep peace of the shin-ning stars to you. Deep peace of the Son of peace to you. Peace of Christ Deep deep peace of Christ
Gabriel's Message Does Away for SATB Choir and Piano Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
 Gab-riel's me-ssage does a-way sa-tan's curse and sa-tan's sw-ay. Out of dark ness brings our day, there-fore sing, there-fore sing, glo-ry to the in-fant ki-ng. So be-hold, so be-hold, all the gates of heav'n un-fold. He that comes des-pised shall reign, He that can-not die, be slain; death by death it's death shall gain. There-fore sing, there-fore sing, glo-ry to the in-fant king. So be hold, so be-hold, all the gates of heav'n un-fold. Art by art shall be a-ssailed, to the cross shall life be nai-led. From the grave shall hope be hailed. There-fore sing, there-fore sing, glo-ry to the in-fant king. So be-hold, so be-hold, all the gates of heav'n un-fold. Ah.
1 st Corinthians Ch. 13 (Love Is) for SATB Choir and Piano Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
And now I will show you the most ex-cell-ent way. Love is pat-ient, love is kind, it does not en-vy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it it is not rude, it it it is not self seek-ing, it is not ea-si-ly an-gered,  it keeps no re-cord of wrong, love does not de-light in ev-il but re-jo-ces in the truth, it al-ways-pro-tects, al-ways trusts, al-ways hopes, al-ways per-se-veres, love ne-ver fails,  ne-ver fails, ne-ver-fails, And now these three re-main, faith, hope and love, but the grea-test of these, grea-test of these, grea-test of these, is love, love, love, love
Come Rock the Cradle for Him for SATB Choir and Piano   Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
Come rock the cra-dle for Him, Come in the crib a-dore Him, Dull care I pray you bur y, and in the Lord make mer-ry. Sweet lit tle Je-su, sweet lit tle Je-su Come rock His cra-dle low-ly, The throne of God all Ho-ly, Come wor-ship and a-dor e Him, and kneel we down be-fore Him. And sing for mu-sic num ber, will lull the babe to slu-m-ber, Your strain be sweet and ai ry, Like that of Ble-ssed Ma-ry So at your hour of dy-ing, This babe in cra-dle ly-ing, For He is king su-per-nal, Shall grant you rest e-ter-nal.
I Give You This One Thought to Keep for SATB Choir and Piano   Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
Ave Verum for SATB Choir and Organ   Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
A-ve ve rum A-ve ve-rum cor-pus na tum, ex Ma-ri-a Ma-ri-a Ma-ri-a Vir-gi-ne, ve-re pas-sum, im-mo-la-tum in cru-ce in cru-ce pro ho-mi-ne. Cu-jus la-tus per-fo-ra-tum un da flux-it un da flux-it et san-gui-ne san-gui-ne san-gui-ne san-gui-ne; es-to no-bis prae gus-ta-tum es-to no-bis prae gus-ta- tum in mor-tis ex-a-mi-ne. A-ve ve-rum cor-pus na-tum ex Ma-ri-a A-ve ve-rum Ma-ri-a, san-gui-ne, gus-ta-tum, A-ve ve-rum
Oh Sacred Head Now Wounded for SATB Choir and Piano Click on the Title to Listen to the Composition Back
Oh sac-red Head now woun-ded, with grief and shame weighed down, Now scorn-ful-ly sur-roun-ded with thorns Thine on-ly cro-wn; How pale Thou art with an-guish, with sore a-buse and scorn, How does that vi-sage lan-guish, which once was bright as morn. What Thou, my Lord, hast su-ffered, was all for sin-ner's gain; Mine, mine was the trans-gres-sion, but Thine the dead-ly pa-in. Lo, here I fall, my Sa-vior, tis I de-serve Thy place; Look on me with Thy fa-vor, vouch-safe to me Thy grace. My Shep-herd, now re-ceive me; my guar-dian, own me Thine. Great bles-sings Thou didst give me, O source of gifts de-vi-ne. Thy lips have of-ten fed me with words of truth and love; Thy Spi-rit oft hath lead me to heav-enly joys a-a-bove. Be Thou my con-so-la-tion my shield when I must die; re-mind me of Thy pas-sion when my last hour draws ni-gh mine eyes shall then be-hold Thee u-pon Thy cross shall dwell my heart by faith en-folds Thee, who di-eth thus dies well What Thou, my Lord, hast      su-ffered was all for sin-ner's gain; Mine, mine was the trans-gres-sion, but Thine the dead-ly pain. Lo, here I fall, my Sa-vior, tis I de-serve Thy place; Look on me with Thy fa-vor, vouch-safe to me Thy grace. Ahh- Be Thou my con-so-la-tion my shield when I must die re-mind me of Thy pas-sion when my last hour draws nigh mine eyes shall then be-hold Thee u-pon Thy cross shall dwell my heart by faith en-folds Thee who di-eth thus dies well.

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